Front Cover Mock Up
Below is a very rough copy of what my front cover will look like, I have drawn it out, to show the main elements of my front page, and below I have explained some of my choices for these elements.
I have kept my front cover fairly simple, however have still used elements that will entice the reader to look inside the magazine.
I have chosen to make my magazine £2.99, (as shown above the barcode), because from my questionnaire results, the £2 to £3 bracket was the only bracket that both girls and boys would be willing to pay.
The masthead is quite large, however not so large that it distracts from the main image, it is still bold, and in the top left corner so that it catches the reader's eye, as the top left corner is generally where people look first. It is not overlapped by the image, so that it can still be seen, and that it will get people to remember the brand.
The text under the masthead is small, but the reader's eye will drift to it after looking at the masthead, so it will still be noticed. It is small so that the message the slogan is portraying can be subtle and not too 'in your face'.
The main focus of the front page will be a picture of 'Lola Roberts', the feature artist. The image will be of her in a very rural setting, perhaps with a guitar, and with flowers, and very relaxed, feminine clothing. I have included a quote from her feature article because it makes the reader interested, and makes them feel invested in her, and therefore want to continue reading the magazine. Also, her name will be in large text, so that the name is obvious, and it will be in a very soft, feminine font, such as; 'Lola Roberts', so as to attract the female audience, and not be too overwhelming when looking at the front cover. Rather than the picture only taking up part of the front cover, I am thinking of making it to cover the whole page, and put other text over the top of it.
The articles advertised on the left side of the cover also draw in the reader, giving them snippets of text from the articles, and making them wanting to continue reading them, and to find out more what it is about. I have included a competition as one of the advertisements because it makes people reading the front cover want to get involved. As the competition will be to do with music, e.g. winning a guitar, or tickets to a concert, it will attract the right target audience and even if they buy the magazine initially for the competition, they may continue buying it after that, as it addresses them well, with articles that they would like.
There is also an advertisement for another artist, as if the reader may not be interested in the feature artist, they will be able to see that there are other artists in the magazine that they would be interested in, making them more likely to buy it.
The house style of the front cover will be fairly soft colours, and it will generally be a very relaxed yet professional look.
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