Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Contents Page- Mock Up (Drawn)

Contents Page Mock Up
Below is a drawn mock up of my contents page, it is currently very rough. This mock up shows the main parts that will come across in my final contents page, and below I have explained some of my choices for these elements.

I have chosen to make the word 'Contents', fairly large so that it is obvious what the purpose of the page is. On my final contents page I would like the word 'Lyrics' to be slightly smaller, so as to make the 'Contents' more obvious. I am not sure yet of the colours of this contents page, but I am thinking of 'Contents' either being blue, red, or perhaps a deep purple. 

I have chosen to make the image of the feature artist large, and to use a different picture than is on the front cover, because it will make the reader think that there is more to see of this artist, and that the article will perhaps have even more pictures, and more information than they were expecting. The page number in the bottom right of this picture will also be large, because it will ensure that the reader knows what page to go to. I will ensure that all page numbers are distinct and clear for the reader, so that they know where to go if looking for a particular article, and will make it easier to read in general. 

I have included a section with other 'New Artists', because I feel that it will get the reader wanting to know what new things are happening, wanting to keep updated, and be the first to know about new artists and new releases. As well as this, I have included existing artists, that most people know of, such as 'The Script', or 'Katy Perry', because it feels slightly familiar to the readers, and that they do already know of at least some of the artists they are reading about. 

There is also a section on the contents page called 'on the cover', so that if the reader has bought the magazine because of what they saw on the front cover, they will easily be able to find those articles in the magazine, and not have to spend too long looking through to find them. The 'Competition', is there to get the reader interested in buying the magazine more often, and perhaps entering the competition on a weekly basis.  The 'Get In Touch', at the bottom of the page is to do with entering the competition, sending any suggestions they have for the magazine, and generally making them feel involved in the magazine. 

The house style of the magazine, being a soft, indie but professional type look, will be carried on in the contents page, through using neutral colours, and similar, or even the same fonts that were used on the front cover.

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