Readership Profile
Name: Jessica
Age: 17
Lifestyle: She is a student, studying her second year of A-Levels, doing Media, English, and ICT. She has a part-time job on the weekends, working in a high street clothes shop, she has a low income as the job is only part time, however earns a good amount for someone of her age.
Personality: She enjoys things that a typical teenager would, such as socialising with friends, shopping, going to parties, and enjoys some sports as a hobby. She likes listening to music, and going to festivalos, she likes lots of genres, however dislikes genres like rock or heavy metal.
Disposable Income: Any disposable income she has, is usually spent on clothes, activities such as going to the cinema, and buying magazines, and buying some music on itunes.
Relatable Brands: Brands relatable to her would be high street brand like topshop or new look, and some companies like itunes, would also be relatable to her.
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